Class Information

Bridge to Leadership
This course follows Intro to Leadership in the Leadership course progression. 10th graders who have taken Intro and would like to continue with Leadership are encouraged to take Bridge to Leadership.  This course builds on the foundational learning from Intro to Leadership, will work closely with Bear Crew supporting school culture, and bridging the skills needed for Advanced Leadership. Future Ready Skills embedded in this course are being a Collaborative Teammate, an Effective Communicator, and a Community Contributor. Coursework will include team building, project planning/work in and outside of class, and improving communication skills. Students in this course are expected to promote and support a positive school culture that aligns with the Tahoma Way.  Bridge to Lead Class Syllabus

Leadership is a full-year course helping students to grow and develop leadership skills. The course focuses on individual and group processes such as membership, service, goal-setting and facilitation. The class also gives students the opportunity to enhance their skills in public speaking, problem-solving, decision-making and project management. Participation inside and outside of class is essential. Reflection on class activities and the effect they have had on the student is a regular part of the class. Evaluation is based on participation, personal growth, involvement in student activities and projects turned in. Leadership Class Syllabus

Sophomore Connections
Sophomore Connections is a class designed to help students transition to high school through relationships, support, and advocacy. The group size is intentionally small so that each student receives more one-on-one attention. Future Ready Skills are embedded in this course and will be used in mini units such as public speaking, goal setting, high school course planning, and team building. Students will also receive time and help to work on assignments for other classes while also being given time to work through APEX Online Learning in order to leave the class with two credits rather than just the standard one. Sophomore Connections Class Syllabus

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