Simpson, Ryan

Ryan Simpson
Leadership Teacher, Tahoma Senior High School


Voice Mail: 425-829-9933, Email: [email protected]

I am pleased to welcome you to class. I am excited to play a part in making your years at Tahoma both valuable and memorable.  It is my philosophy that learning should be fun. I certainly intend to do my part, but I will need cooperation from you to make that happen.

In order to create a successful school year, communication is KEY.  I will do my best to keep you updated on how your student is doing and I hope parents will keep me updated on important factors that play out outside of the classroom.  If you want to write me, e-mail me, talk to me, bounce ideas off me, come in and visit, or just simply like saying or writing my last name, then please get in touch with me. 

5th period Google Classroom Link

6th period Google Classroom Link

7th period Google Classroom Link


Sophomore Connections Video
Bridge to Leadership Video
Advanced Leadership Video


All assignment, project, and test information, including due dates, are posted in our Google Classroom. You will need to sign in with your GoTahoma email address and password. Remember, Google Classroom is not a gradebook. In Google Classroom, I will post comments once I've reviewed your work. You will need to check Skyward for scores and grades. Click the Class Information link along the left for my syllabus and other important information about our class.

Parents and Guardians

I post all assignment, project, and test details, including due dates, in Google Classroom, which all students in my classes have access to from any device. Upcoming assignments and projects will also appear on the class calendar (see left sidebar of this page). =

Google Classroom is not a gradebook. For grades and missing assignments, please check Skyward. You can also check the Calendar page on this site to see events and due dates.

Click the Class Information link along the left for my syllabus and other important information about our class.

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