Tyler Jenks
Metals Teacher, Tahoma High School
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to Metals 1, 2 and 3 (Advanced Metals Students and Families!
I am excited to have you all as part of my classroom this year and excited to be teaching for the first time at Tahoma.
Welcome and thank you for joining me for our open house. Please watch the video below to learn a little more about this class. Since all of my metals classes are similar in nature, I have made one video for all of my classes. If you have any questions please do not hesitate and send an email to me at [email protected]
Please click HERE to access the Metals Open House Video
Google classroom will be our main form of communication, besides in class. The syllabus, projects and assignments will be found on our classroom page. Remember that this is not a gradebook and grades will be posted on Skyward once you complete a project or periodically throughout the semester. Google classroom will not be used often after the beginning of the semester, unless I am absent and students are not allowed to be in the shop.
Safety is a large part of my class and you all are expected to pass SP/2 safety each semester you are in my classes. Some students may find this repetitive, but this is essential to ensure everyone is being safe in our shop and classroom. Also, students are expected to stay alert and be supportive of other students, harassment will not be tolerated. If you have any questions on safety, please check Google Classroom and click on the Booklet. This booklet will have the syllabus and general shop safety rules.
Google classroom is the main way that I communicate with students as well as email. Please send me any questions you may have to my email listed below.
Since this class has students working on various projects at once, please be aware that Skyward may look different than other classes.
If a student has a "*" on any assignment on Skyward, it does not mean that it is missing. Instead it means that another student has completed that project. If an assignment has a "0 and missing", then your student has not completed the project or has not been working on anything during the previous week or two. Your student should be completing a project every week or two in order to have enough time to complete everything required for my class.
I am excited to have your student in my class this year and again please send me any questions that you may have.